"Section H" of the Pine Grove Cemetery Plot Maps.

Section H is different than the other sections. Where as most plots in the cemetery appear to be family plots,. H appears to be single plots with one or two people buried in them. There are 139 plots in this section and it was almost impossible to match any of the plots into a family group. Therefore the plots are all listed as singular.


Plots H -01 Through H -10

Plots H -11 Through H -20

Plots H -21 Through H -30

Plots H -31 Through H -40

Plots H -41 Through H -50

Plots H -51 Through H -60

Plots H -61 Through H -70

Plots H -71 Through H -80

Plots H -81 Through H -90

Plots H -91 Through H -100

Plots H -101 Through H -110

Plots H -111 Through H -120

Plots H -121 Through H -130

Plots H -131 Through H -139

Section H of the Pine Grove Cemetery is located on the North side of the Cemetery. Please see the Section Map for the location. To see who is buried in this section, please look below. Those items in Parentheses are my notations to you.